When I declared the slogan competition, I had clarity in mind. After receiving good responses I ‘m confused. Since these are the days of ‘inclusion’, I am adding you in to state of confusion to get clarity. Basically I am shifting the responsibility to tell me ‘which is the best slogan?’.
Awardš„? May have place on my side panel of scooter šµ while traveling - without name. Rest of the slogans will have ‘place’ in my travel blogs. How do you feel The IDEAš”?
The appropriate responses have been listed below š with Serial Number. You have to select only *‘only one - number one’* and mentioned in Facebook, via comment. No multiple winners. The yardstick could be -
The right slogan encapsulates my campaign message and my primary appeal - *travel more’* to voters. It should be short, memorable and in the best cases tap into a genuine emotion.
Those who couldn’t participate in ‘suggesting’ can participate in ‘voting’ ššš
The slogans are -
1 Santosh Dhimate -
ą¤ोą¤¶ ą¤øे ą¤¢ुंą¤¢े ą¤¹ोą¤¶,
ą¤¬ą¤Ø ą¤े ą¤ाą¤Øाą¤¬ą¤¦ोą¤·।।
2 Mahesh Sonawane -
ą¤Æे ą¤¦ुą¤Øिą¤Æा ą¤Æे ą¤®ेą¤¹्ą¤«ीą¤² ą¤Øą¤ाą¤°ोंą¤ी
ą¤ą¤²ą¤¤ी-ą¤«िą¤°ą¤¤ी ą¤øą¤µाą¤°ी ą¤ ą¤ेą¤²ेą¤ी
3 Mahesh Sonawane -
ą¤ुą¤® ą¤ुą¤® ą¤øैą¤° ą¤ą¤°ेंą¤े ą¤¦ुą¤Øिą¤Æा ą¤ी
ą¤¹ą¤® ą¤¤ुą¤® ą¤Æाą¤¦ ą¤°ą¤ेंą¤े ą¤¦ोą¤ø्ą¤¤ी ą¤ी
4 Amarnath singh -
ą¤¹ą¤® ą¤ाą¤ंą¤े ą¤ą¤øą¤®ां ą¤े ą¤ोą¤Øे ą¤¤ą¤।
ą¤¶ाą¤® ą¤े ą¤¢ą¤²ą¤Øे ą¤¤ą¤, ą¤øुą¤¬ą¤¹ों ą¤े ą¤¹ोą¤Øे ą¤¤ą¤।।
5 Amarnath singh
ą¤ोą¤ ą¤ ंą¤¤ ą¤Øą¤¹ीं ą¤øą„ą¤° ą¤ा,
ą„ą¤°्ą¤ ą¤¹ै ą¤¬ą¤ø ą¤Øą„ą¤°-ą¤Øą„ą¤° ą¤ा।।
6 Amarnath singh
ą¤Æे ą¤øą„ą¤ ą¤¤ो ą¤ą¤¹ीं ą¤Øą¤¹ीं ą¤ाą¤¤ी।
ą¤²ेą¤िą¤Ø ą¤¹ą¤® ą¤ाą¤ंą¤े ą¤®ंą„िą¤²ों ą¤øे ą¤ी ą¤ą¤े।।
7 Amarnath singh
ą¤ ą¤Æोą¤§्ą¤Æा, ą¤®ą¤„ुą¤°ा , ą¤ाą¤¶ी!
ą¤ ą¤¬ ą¤्ą¤Æा ą¤°ą¤¹ ą¤ą¤Æा ą¤¬ाą¤ी?
8 Amarnath singh
ą¤¶ą¤¹ीą¤¦ों ą¤ी ą¤§ą¤°ą¤¤ी, ą¤ą¤µाą¤Øों ą¤ा ą¤¦ेą¤¶।
ą¤ą¤²ो ą¤ूą¤® ą¤ą¤¤े ą¤¹ैं ą¤ą¤¤्ą¤¤ą¤° ą¤Ŗ्ą¤°ą¤¦ेą¤¶।।
9 Amarnath singh
ą¤ाą¤¶ी, ą¤ą¤ą¤°ा, ą¤²ą¤ą¤Øą¤ ą¤ी ą¤¬ाą¤¤ ą¤Øिą¤°ाą¤²ी ą¤¹ै।
ą¤Øिą¤ą¤²ą¤Øे ą¤ो ą¤¤ैą¤Æाą¤° ą¤ ą¤¬ ą¤ ą¤Ŗą¤Øी ą¤øą¤µाą¤°ी ą¤¹ै।।
10. Sanjay Marathe
ą¤ाą¤«ीą¤²ा ą¤®ेą¤°ा ą¤¬ą¤”ा ą¤Øą¤¹ी,
ą¤®ंą¤िą¤² ą¤®ेą¤°ी ą¤¦ुą¤° ą¤¹ी ą¤øą¤¹ी,
ą¤°ाą¤¹ą¤ीą¤° ą¤¤ुą¤® ą¤®िą¤²े ą¤¤ो ą¤øą¤«ą¤° ą¤®ेą¤°ा ą¤¹ोą¤Øा ą¤¹ी ą¤øą¤¹ी !!
11 Manisha Agashe
ą¤ू ą¤µ्ą¤¹िą¤²ą¤°ą¤ा ą¤øą¤«ą¤° ą¤¹ो ą¤øुą¤¹ाą¤Øा...
ą¤ाą¤®ą¤Æाą¤¬ी ą¤¹ोą¤ेą¤¹ी ą¤²ौą¤ ą¤ą¤Øा... šµ
12 Pawar Pritam -
ą¤ą¤ ą¤øą¤«ą¤°....
ą¤¹ą¤ाą¤°ों ą¤®ंą¤िą¤²ें ą¤¹ोą¤ीं,,,,,ą¤¹ą¤ाą¤°ों ą¤ाँą¤°ą¤µा ą¤¹ोą¤ेंšą¤¬ą¤¹ाą¤°ें ą¤¹ą¤® ą¤ो ą¤¢ूą¤¢ेą¤ी,,,,ą¤Øा ą¤ाą¤Øे ą¤¹ą¤® ą¤ą¤¹ां ą¤¹ोą¤ेंš
13 Pritam Pawar-
ą¤¹ą¤® ą¤¤ो ą¤Øिą¤ą¤² ą¤Ŗą¤”े ą¤¹ै ą¤ ą¤Ŗą¤Øे ą¤®ंą¤िą¤² ą¤ी ą¤ą¤°.... ą¤¦ेą¤ą¤¤े ą¤¹ैं ą¤Ŗą¤¹ą¤²े ą¤ुą¤¦ा ą¤®िą¤²ą¤¤ा ą¤¹ै ą¤Æा ą¤®ंą¤िą¤² ..
14 Ravindra Mathur
ą¤िą¤¤ą¤Øी ą¤ोą¤ी ą¤øी ą¤¦ुą¤Øिą¤Æा ą¤¹ै ą¤®ेą¤°ी,
ą¤ą¤ ą¤®ै ą¤¹ूँ ą¤ą¤° ą¤ą¤ ą¤¦ोą¤ø्ą¤¤ी ą¤¤ेą¤°ी।
That’s all. Now Choose. Let’s decide *Numero Uno*.
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